Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Adventures in Kitty Land

So, one would think that the cat wouldn't be a huge douche at night, since she is mostly night blind due to her pretty blue eyes. 

She's more than a douche, she's a spazoid douchecanoe that almost got her ass beaten last night. 

Now, I'm only violent in my head, and Husband is a pacifist, but he tried to chase her down in the dark apartment after the 8th time she woke him up.  Now, she's perfectly content laying on the couch and not demanding attention, but 2 am? Hell no, that's "play with the cat time".....

She's a pretty cat, but I'm not going to miss her next week while we're off hiding on vacation.  I'm pretty sure Husband will appreciate getting to sleep through a night while battling my over aggressive cuddling in my sleep. 

And yes, it does get vicious.  I have been known to push him out of bed on several occasions, and then wake up mad, because he's not there.