Thursday, March 22, 2012

I dreamed a dream

So, last night, I was in dream land, and I dreamed that I was cleaning up a warehouse so that I could turn it into an apartment complex and make a lot of money.  It was a great plan, since the building was famous, as it was the last place a famous singer had ever been seen.  She was still being hunted by the grandchildren of her gangster boyfriend.

While I was cleaning this warehouse, I found a box.  It had been prepared to be mailed to a detective, and forgotten after a raid.  I opened the box and out rolled her partially preserved head.  Her hair and lipstick were still perfect, after all these years. 

My options were: Get rid of the head and continue with my project - OR - turn it into the police, get famous, and never finish my project.

Clearly, I chose to hid the head.  Who needed fame when I was going to be rich.  Plus, there was a myth that whomever found any information about this dame, would be stalked by gangsters forever to keep their secret safe. 

Now, I'm not afraid of any gangsters, but I didn't like the idea of being stalked by them anyways.

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